The ongoing adventures of the last three twenty-year-olds on Earth paying for movies. Alan: Gave up on step 60 […]
Tag: film
At the Movies: Dredd
The ongoing adventures of the last three twenty-year-olds on Earth paying for movies. Judge Alan: Hard to evade, easy to […]
At the Movies: Repo! The Genetic Opera
After watching Christopher Nolan’s bank account grow in real time, Alan sleeps peacefully. His dreams about Catwoman’s jumpsuit are interrupted […]
At the Movies: The Dark Knight Rises
Since Alan now refuses to drive, our heroes are joined by Cammy’s older brother Dominic. Cammy stands four feet behind […]
At the Movies: The Amazing Spider-Man
Ignoring the lessons of the past, Alan, Byron, and Cammy return to the cinema. Alan: This is going to suck […]