Note: Spoilers for a movie that made another ten million dollars as you read this sentence. Take your head out […]
Satire on a fifth-grade level.
Reddit: Wasteland of Mediocrity
In the scramble for recognition that has characterized the Internet age, we’ve left a few things like radio, CDs, and […]
The After Earth Letters
The NSA employee responsible for tracking known dissident Will “Big Willie Style” Smith recently leaked the following e-mail exchange between […]
Youtube Comedy Week: A New Low
On May 19, comedy died. Two passing vagrants found the emaciated corpse of comedy in a ditch in North Las […]
Nothing Happened
This piece of mine ran in Tiger Magazine‘s Daily Princetonian parody. In spite of the pressure of a daily news […]
Deaf Monkey Mission Statement 2013
I don’t really know where my head will be at writingwise for the next however long (a year I’m guessing?), […]
Mute Monkey Mission Statement 2013
About two weeks ago, I was on the verge of calling it quits and devoting my life to the sole […]
Blind Monkey Mission Statement 2013
What’s contemporary culture’s most vapid catchphrase? It’s a competitive position with entries from every medium. Television’s a classic source. Almost […]
The Princeton Admission Letter
You’re going to Princeton. You’ll spend a few weeks pretending to juggle your nonexistent options, but everything has already been […]
Everyone is Wrong
Hoo boy. Since I like being in way over my head, today I’m going to tackle (more like bump into […]